Ph.D. Students

원도연 Doyeon Won
- E-mail: dywon(at)
- Research: Machine Learning for CAD
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering B.S. (2015.3 ~ 2019.2)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Ph.D. (2019.3 ~ )

윤재준 Jaejoon Yoon
- E-mail: jaejoonyoon(at)
- Research: Design methodology for EDA
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering B.S. (2015.3 ~ 2021.2)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Ph.D (2021.3 ~ )

안재훈 Jaehoon Ahn
- E-mail: jhahn97(at)
- Research: Design methodology for Standard Cell
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering B.S. (2015.3 ~ 2021.2)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Ph.D. (2021.3 ~ )

박현범 Hyunbum Park
- E-mail: hbpark(at)
- Research: Design methodology for Standard Cell
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering B.S. (2015.3 ~ 2021.2)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Ph.D (2021.3 ~ )

조한동 Handong Cho
- E-mail: chhd25(at)
- Research: Machine Learning for CAD
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering B.S. (2015.3 ~ 2021.8)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Ph.D. (2021.9 ~ )

신연경 Yeongyeong Shin
- E-mail: shinyg0930(at)
- EHWA Womans University, Dept. of Electrical Engineering B.S. (2011.3 ~ 2015.2)
- POSTECH, Dept. of Electrical Engineering M.S. (2015.3 ~ 2017.2)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Ph.D. (2023.3 ~ )

전찬희 Chanhee Jeon
- E-mail: cjeon7(at)
- Research: Design Methodology for EDA
- KAIST, Dept. of Electrical Engineeriing B.S. (2014.9 ~ 2022.2)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Ph.D. (2022.3 ~ )

서현배 Hyunbae Seo
- E-mail: hyunbaeseo(at)
- Research: Design Methodology for EDA
- SNU, Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering B.S. (2016.3 ~ 2023.2)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Ph.D. (2023.3 ~ )

방서영 Seoyoung Bang
- E-mail: sybang(at)
- CAU, School of Electrical & Electronics Engineering B.S. (2019.3 ~ 2023.2)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering M.S. (2023.3 ~ 2025.2)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Ph.D. (2025.3 ~ )
M.S. Students

구자성 Jasung Ku
- E-mail:
- Research: Design Methodology for EDA
- SKKU, Dept. of Semiconductor Systems Engineering B.S. (2016.3 ~ 2022.2)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering M.S. (2023.9 ~ )

이문원 Munwon Lee
- E-mail:
- Research: Design Methodology for EDA
- SKKU, Dept. of Semiconductor Systems Engineering B.S. (2011.3 ~ 2017.2)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering M.S. (2024.3 ~ )

이진호 Jinho Lee
- E-mail:
- Research: Design Methodology for EDA
- KU, School of Biomedical Engineering B.S. (2013.3 ~ 2019.8)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering M.S. (2024.9 ~ )

김용엽 Yongyeop Kim
- E-mail: yongyeop(at)
- Research: Design Methodology for EDA
- KNU, School of Electronics Engineering B.S. (2011.3 ~ 2017.2)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering M.S. (2025.3 ~ )

한대용 Daeyong Han
- E-mail: daeyonghan(at)
- Research: Design Methodology for EDA
- CAU, School of Electrical & Electronics Engineering B.S. (2010.3 ~ 2017.2)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering M.S. (2025.3 ~ )
Visiting Researchers

정주연 Jooyeon Jeong
- E-mail: jooyeon(at)
- Research: Design Methodology for EDA
- CAU, School of Electrical & Electronics Engineering B.S. (2016.3 ~ 2020.2)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Ph.D. (2020.3 ~ 2025.2)
- SNU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Postdoctoral Researcher (2025.3 ~ )
정주연 (Jooyeon Jeong) (PhD, 2020.3 - 2025.2) (Seoul National Univ. BK Postdoctoral Researcher):
Methods of Standard Cell Synthesis and Placement Legalization with Applications to Design and Technology Co-optimization
양자영 (Jayoung Yang) (MS, 2023.3 - 2025.2) (Samsung Electronics):
A Study on Circuit Timing Improvement through Net Topology Optimization in Physical Design
김수완 (Suwan Kim) (PhD, 2019.9 - 2024.8) (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology):
Methodologies of Utilizing Design Enablement Resources for High-Quality Physical Design
정세현 (Sehyeon Chung) (PhD, 2019.3 - 2024.8) (Samsung Electronics):
Physical Design Enablement Solutions Coupled with Design and Technology Co-optimization
정은솔 (Eunsol Jeong) (PhD, 2018.8 - 2024.8) (Samsung Electronics):
Physical Design Flow Optimizations Considering MIA Design Rules and 3D ICs
장경준 (Kyung Joon Chang) (PhD, 2018.3 - 2024.8) (Samsung Electronics):
Machine Learning Based Timing Prediction and Optimization Methodologies in Physical Design
김화평 (Hwapyong Kim) (MS, 2022.3 – 2024.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Refining Algorithms for Placement Legalization and Global Routing
양재완 (Jaewan Yang) (MS, 2022.3 – 2024.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Design Methodologies for Timing-aware Multi-bit Flip-flop Allocation and Physical Design Parameter Optimization
김수민 (Soomin Kim) (PhD, 2018.3 – 2023.8) (Samsung Electronics):
Storage Synthesis and Optimization Algorithms for High-speed and Low-power Chips
백경현 (Kyeonghyeon Baek) (PhD, 2017.3 – 2023.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Synthesis and Optimization of Standard Cells and Design Quality Prediction in Physical Design Automation
박소라 (Sora Park) (MS, 2021.3 – 2023.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Synthesis of Clock Gating Based on Accurate and Learning Driven Power Analyses
조경록 (Kyeongrok Jo) (PhD, 2016.3 – 2021.8) (Samsung Electronics):
Methodologies for Standard Cell Generation and Design Rule Evaluation
김태환 (Taehwan Kim) (PhD, 2016.3 – 2021.8) (Samsung Electronics):
Voltage and Retention Storage Allocation Problems for SRAMs and Power Gated Circuits
안병민 (Byungmin Ahn) (PhD, 2015.3 – 2021.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Memory Layout and Computing Techniques for High Performance Neural Networks
허정우 (Jeongwoo Heo) (PhD, 2014.3 – 2020.8) (Samsung Electronics):
Timing Analysis and Optimization in Logic and Physical Synthesis
강종성 (Jongsung Kang) (PhD, 2014.3 – 2020.8) (Samsung Electronics):
Design of High Performance Computing Units for On-device Neural Network Accelerators
황은실 (Eunsil Hwang) (MS, 2017.3 – 2020.8) (Samsung Electronics):
Optimization of State Retention Storage and the Control Signal on Power Gated circuits
현경환 (Gyounghwan Hyun) (PhD, 2016.3 – 2020.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Design Methodology for Cost Effective Clock and Power Gating
양기용 (Giyoung Yang) (MS, 2017.3 - 2019.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Design and algorithm for clock gating and flip flop optimization
손홍양 (Hongyang Sun) (MS, 2016.9 - 2019.2) (Solugate):
Neural Model for Named Entity Recognition Considering Aligned Representation
박중원 (Jungwon Park) (MS, 2016.3 - 2019.2):
Training method of branch network optimized for simple inputs
안세용 (Seyong Ahn) (PhD, 2013.3 – 2018.8) (Samsung Electronics):
Studies on Resonant Clock Network Synthesis and Design Technology Co-Optimization Framework
조우형 (Woohyeong Cho) (MS, 2016.3 – 2018.2) (TMAX):
Technique of Removing Redundant Neurons for Compressing Deep Neural Networks
이성관 (Seongkwan Lee) (MS, 2016.3 – 2018.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Cost Effective Technique for Diagnosing Clock on FPGAs
문형석 (Hyungsuk Moon) (PhD, 2014.3 – 2018.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Design Methodolgies using Multi-bit Flip-flops for Low power
김주연 (Juyeon Kim) (PhD, 2013.3 – 2018.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Methodolgy for Solving Timing Closure Problem by Utilizing Adjustable Clock Buffers
김영찬 (Youngchan Kim) (MS, 2011.3 – 2013.2, PhD, 2013.3 – 2018.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Algorithm for Synthesizing Clock Spine Networks
박희천 (Hee-chun Park) (PhD, 2011.3 – 2018.2) (Professor Kookmin Univ.):
Circuit and Architectural Optimization for Emerging High-speed and Computing Technologies
김주한 (Joohan Kim) (MS, 2010.3 – 2012.2, PhD, 2012.3 – 2017.8) (Samsung Electronics):
Clock Buffer and Flip-flop Co-optimization for Reducing Power Consumption and Peak Current Noise
이동윤 (Dongyoun Yi) (MS, 2015.3 – 2017.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Flip-flop and Power-gated Cell Optimization for Modern SoC Designs
전형준 (Hyungjun Jeon) (MS, 2008.3 – 2010.2, PhD, 2013.3 – 2017.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Algorithms for Histogram Equalization in Image Enhancement and Link Prediction in Social Networks
주덕진 (Deok-jin Joo) (MS, 2009.3 – 2011.2, PhD, 2011.9 – 2016.2) (Post-Doc at Univ. of Illinois):
Clock Polarity Assignment Methodologies for Designing High-Performance and Robust Clock Trees
김기영 (Kiyoung Kim) (MS, 2010.3 – 2012.2, PhD, 2012.3 – 2015.12) (TMAX):
Algorithm for Synthesizing Design Context-Aware Fast Carry-Skip Adders
서형중 (Hyeoungjung Seo) (MS, 2009.3 – 2011.2, PhD, 2011.3 – 2015.8) (Samsung Electronics):
Design Methodology for Reliable Clock Networks for High-Speed and Low-Power Digital Systems
- 재옥 (Lu, Cai) (MS, 2013.9 – 2015.8) (Oracle, China):
Context-Driven Image Inpainting
- 강민석 (Minseok Kang) (MS, 2008.3 - 2010.2, PhD, 2010.3 - 2015.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Design Methodology for Mesh Based Clock Networks
- 김근호 (Geunho Kim) (MS, 2012.3 - 2014.2):
Analysis on Adjustable Delay Buffer Design and Control Circuit for Multiple Power Mode Designs
- 박기태 (Kitae Park) (MS, 2012.3 - 2014.2) (Altibase):
Utilization of Multiple Types of Adjustable Delay Buffers for Resolving Clock Timing Violation
- 이명우 (Myungwoo Lee) (MS, 2012.3 - 2014.2) (Samsung Display):
A Linear Time Algorithm of Low Power Histogram Equalization of OLED Displays
- 박상도 (Sangdo Park) (MS, 2007.9 - 2009.8, PhD, 2009.9 - 2014.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Variation Aware Design and Packaging Problmes in 3D ICs
- 정종윤 (JongYoon Jung) (MS, 2006.3 - 2008.2, PhD, 2008.3 - 2012.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Algorithms for False Path Aware Statistical Timing Analysis
- 이병현 (ByungHyun Lee) (MS, 2006.3 - 2008.2, PhD, 2008.3 - 2012.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Partitioning and TSV Optimization Algorithms for 3D IC Design
- 김용환 (YongHwan Kim) (MS, 2005.3 - 2007.2, PhD, 2007.3 - 2012.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Synthesis of Hybrid Adders for Timing Optimization
- 구준모 (Koo, Joon-Mo) (MS, 2010.3 - 2012.8):
Code Generation Technique for Mitigating Soft Errors in Memory Accesses
- 김탁영 (Tak-Yung Kim) (PhD, 2009.3 - 2012.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Design Methology of Clock Networks for TSV Based 3D IC Designs
- 임경환 (Kyung-Hwan Lim) (MS, 2005.3 - 2007.2, PhD, 2007.3 - 2012.2) (Samsung Electronics):
Design Methodology of Reliable Clock Network Based on Adjustable Delay Buffers
- 박단비 (DanBee Park) (MS, 2009.3 - 2011.2) (SAP Korea):
Optimal Algorithm for Profile-Based Power Gating: A Compiler Technique for Reducing Leakage Power on Execution Units in Microprocessors
- 임필옥 (Pilok Lim) (PhD, 2005.3 – 2010.12, off: 2007.9 – 2008.8):
Temperature-aware resource binding problems in high-level synthesis
- 김한준 (HanJun Kim) (MS, 2008.9 – 2011.8):
NBTI-aware leakage current minimization technique
- 곽상훈 (Sanghun Kwak) (PostDoC, 2009.8 – 2010.10)
- 이용호 (YongHo Lee) (PhD, 2006.9 – 2010.8) (Samsung Electronics):
Design methodologies for peak current and NBTI controlled logic circuits
- 전형준 (HyungJun Jeon) (MS, 2008.3 – 2010.2) (Venture, Embedded Software):
Routing algorithm for flip-chip design)
- Benjamin Schaefer (PostDoc, 2007.3 – 2008.8) (NEC, Japan)
- 장호창 (Hochang Jang) (MS, 2007.3 – 2009.2) (Consultant):
Simultaneous clock buffer sizing and polarity assignment for power/ground noise minimization
- 전하늘 (Haneul Chun) (MS, 2007.3 – 2009.2) (Intel):
Timing variation-aware task scheduling and binding in MPSoC
- 유예신 (Yehshin Ryu) (MS, 2006.9 – 2008.8) (Samsung Electronics):
Clock polarity assignment combined with clock tree generation
- 김기남 (Kinam Kim, MS, 2004.9 – 2006.8) (LG Electronics):
Thermal-aware loop scheduling in high-level synthesis
- 이전민 (Zhenmin Li, MS, 2004.9 – 2006.8, Samsung GSP Program) (Samsung Electronics):
Address code optimization exploiting code scheduling in DSP applications